Time for a change
Many years ago, I graduated from college as an English major. Majoring in English can be a very good thing. English majors know how to read, write, critique, interpret and evaluate. That is what we spent four years doing, and for the most part we are very good at it. I am proud to be an English major.
It can be hard to find a job with a degree in English, but over the years I have been very fortunate. I have had some interesting (but never lucrative) jobs: I worked in a law office, several libraries, and taught at both the high school and college level. I was laid off from my last teaching job in 2010, and took some time to decide which direction to go next. I don't want to work in a library again; I wasn't challenged enough with library life and did not like what I saw on the management level. I refuse to work in a law office again. I loved teaching, but I could not correct another paper for thrice my salary (as an English major, I am proud to be able to use "thrice" in a sentence.) I want to step out and do something I have never done before.
My first attempt was massage therapy school. That did not work for various reasons, but it did open an unexpected door. As an English major, I avoided the sciences like poison. I took the easiest science class I could find to meet my requirements, an overview kind of course with no lab. It was rather dull. There is quite a bit of science in massage therapy, and it was with trepidation that I approached my studies. To my delight, I enjoyed the sciences involved with massage. I loved anatomy and nutrition, and I was fascinated with the physics and wanted to learn more. I dropped out of massage school after only a few months and this past January went back to school at Edinboro University with an undeclared major. During my first semester, I took human biology, human sexuality, and a chemistry class. I didn't work as hard in graduate school as I did this past semester. School took up all most all of my time. I loved every minute of it.
This brings me to the blog. A good friend has suggested I re-evaluate the purpose of my blog, and perhaps he is right. My orginal intent was to write about the various things to do in Erie County, and I am proud of what I have done with this blog. I have gone places and done things that have made me feel like I'm part of the world, a part of this place on Lake Erie I call home. It is a good feeling.
With the start of school comes change in my life and in the blog. I don't have the time to just be a reporter of things to do in Erie. I now have homework and tests to study for. My friend said, "Why don't you blog about school, in addition to going places?"
"That would mean changing the blog's purpose," I protested.
"Then change it."
Ok. Consider the purpose of the blog changed. I will continue to write about things to do in Erie County, but hereby expand my scope to write about doings outside of Erie County and my life as a student. My life has expanded in the past few months. It seems only right that the blog expand, too.