Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh,what a night! The Navy comes to Edinboro

What: The United States Navy Band Sea Chanters
When:  April 4, 2011
Where: Edinboro University Cole Auditorium
Cost:  Free

What a fun concert this was!  On Monday, April 4, the Navy Band Sea Chanters Chorus performed at Edinboro University.  Their performance and professionalism was impressive and made for a great evening.

The Sea Chanters Chorus is the official chorus of the Navy.  This was a surprise to me; I had no idea the Navy had a chorus.  This mixed chorus of 22 voices was started in 1956 and performs many different kinds of music.  The 2011 national tour includes 19 performances in 9 states; after Edinboro, the tour concludes in York.

The evening's performance included traditional numbers the Drunken Sailor and Ezekiel Saw the Wheel, and a beautiful arrangement of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  The second half of the program included more modern numbers, such as Java Jive and Coffee in a Cardboard Cup, a personal favorite.  A young co-ed sitting in front of me was bouncing in her seat to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, and I sang along to the Frankie Valli medley.  In fact, I sang along to the rest of the program which included songs of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. 

I am sure one reason for the group's existence is to be a recruiting tool.  I cannot imagine how a young adult, thinking of the direction life should take, would not be impressed by this group.  They were poised and confident, articulate and professional.  If the Navy brought them to this level, it did an outstanding job.

There was a recruiting table in the lobby, and I took several of the brochures.  I know almost nothing about the armed services, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  What I saw wowed me.  I learned about EOD (explosive ordinance disposal), Aviation Rescue Swimmers, SEAL, and the Reserves.  What I read in the brochures was re-enforced by what I saw in the performance:  pride, professionalism, and a job well done.

Incidentally, I found the navy's physical requirements for the programs listed above, all to be completed within the time listed:  swim 500 yards in under 14 minutes with a 10 minute break; do 42 push-ups in 2 minutes with a 2 minute break; perform a minimum of 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes with a 2 minute break, perform a minimum of 6 pull-ups, no time limit, with a ten minute rest; and run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes and 45 seconds.  Whew!  Go, Navy!

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